As 2024 began, there were at least 36,000 pieces of human-generated debris larger than a grapefruit in Earth orbit, and
millions smaller than that. Massive Derelicts consist of almost three thousand
mostly intact derelict rocket bodies and spacecraft left in space by Russia, the U. S., China, France, the European
Space Agency (ESA), Japan and India, before the commercial space era began. The practice continues today. These government-owned objects, each
weighing between one and ten tons, share similarities which make them amenable to consideration for remediation
purposes as a single class or “market”, distinguishing them from other types of orbital debris or cross-border
terrestrial pollution on Earth. Clusters of these objects litter a few specific orbital shells mainly between
750-1500 km in altitude. They will stay in orbit for hundreds or thousands of years, slowly drifting (at very high
speeds) through heavily populated lower orbits before re-entering Earth’s atmosphere.
Each time one of these very real high mass objects collides with another derelict or with a functioning satellite, as
is forecast to occur within the next few years unless remediation takes place, thousands of lethal fragments will
be spawned, further endangering and increasing the cost of operating in space for everyone, for any purpose. These
objects (or their conjunctions) have been specifically identified and are even roughly ranked in terms of the
threat they present. Although most of them are Russian, just seven governments share responsibility for these most
dangerous objects. In fact, emerging remediation technologies being developed today within a few of these
governments are designed around the physical characteristics and orbital proximities these objects share.
Despite this clear and imminent risk, no remedial action has been planned or taken, and none is forecast in the
foreseeable future, due to a variety of legal, political, national security, economic and funding hurdles.
Planning, once begun, will take several years before missions are possible, but future forecast collisions may not
Separate national remediation programs, limited to one’s own objects, will be unable to efficiently and effectively
reduce the overall risk these objects threaten to our collective future in space. Moreover, fault-based (“polluter
pays”) arguments rest on a flawed premise, both factually and legally, and will fail to motivate widespread
To successfully overcome this threat, international cooperation will be necessary, based on future opportunity in space
instead of past fault. Cooperation among the three principal stake-holders for Massive Derelicts, Russia, China and the
United States, but also including France, Japan, India and ESA, enabling cost and risk sharing among the seven
governments responsible for Massive Derelicts, will make remediation affordable. But how can adversaries join hands to achieve
the shared objective of safe and sustainable space?
Born in 2019 as a Texas LLC, and now with partners in Russia and China, TCTB is a multi-jurisdictional Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO) dedicated exclusively to planning and facilitating cooperative remediation of Massive Derelicts among
stake-holding governments before the next collision. In 2022, TCTB was recognized as an international NGO by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and as a Permanent Observer to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS).
It would ally stake-holding governments to a shared purpose through separate but
interdependent “prime” planning contracts with TCTB, or under a single planning contract with the United Nations
“back-funded” by participating governments. Cooperation would be achieved through agreement on common principles
(e. g., cost, risk and information sharing, legal consent, preservation of sovereign prerogatives, dispute
resolution and procurement mechanisms) contained in each contract. TCTB would facilitate and lead cooperative
planning, and could then engage and manage competitively selected remediation “subcontractors” using pooled funding
legislatively authorized by each participating government. Governments would participate through “firewalls” inside
TCTB designed to protect sensitive or proprietary information embedded in the debris targets or remediation
technology. TCTB would engender trust among governments through transparency and local presence. TCTB’s
private-public arrangement is portrayed below. Depicted as a three-country structure, other governments could be
TCTB provides a novel path for cooperative remediation of Massive Derelicts among the handful of governments who own the
threatened risk those objects present to our collective future in space. TCTB is presently seeking United Nations
funding (back-funded by stake-holding governments) to facilitate cooperative remediation planning among the
responsible governments.
TCTB has published a road map to guide cooperative planning among stake-holder governments, which is found in a series
of papers contained within the “Library, Key Documents” archive of this website. The papers provide more detailed
descriptions of the “Trusted Broker” model (think Red Cross or international mediation), the planning process, a
cooperative methodology for object selection, and cooperative principles in the form of draft contract clauses.
The papers also explain why international cooperation is necessary to effectively reduce risk, and why cooperation
through an NGO is best. The “Library” also includes a number of relevant documents by other authors, grouped by
topical archive, that are helpful in explaining the current predicament and possible solutions to consider.
To bring its plan to life, TCTB submitted formal contracting Proposals to China, Russia and the U. S. in May, 2019,
which can be found in the “Library, Key Documents” archive. Information about TCTB’s founding partners in China,
Russia and the U. S. are provided in the “About” and “Contact” sections. A number of key questions about
remediation and TCTB are answered in the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section. The website also contains
secure areas for protection of sensitive governmental or proprietary commercial information that will be used
during planning or remediation activities, and which will contain “prime” contracts with governments (“Country
Area”) and “subcontracts” with remediators (“Subcontractor Area”). To that end, the “Country Area, Common Contract
Clauses” subsection contains full text drafts of Cooperative Principles which, when negotiated with governments,
will be contained in each of those contracts. These Cooperative Principles will ally participating government
stakeholders to the shared purpose.
In addition to continuing and broadening ongoing national remediation efforts, timely cooperation among stake-holding
governments will be necessary to meet the existential challenge of Massive Derelicts, but any cooperative formula must
overcome legal, policy and economic hurdles, retain sovereign prerogatives, and serve the best interests of each
participating government without getting bogged down in political or bureaucratic entanglements. Where the only
common ground among the three key protagonists today is a desire to reduce risk in space in order to better fulfill
their respective (and arguably conflicting) national destinies in space, TCTB is the best alternative. TCTB can be engaged
to begin cooperative planning today under a single United Nations contract or under separate but equivalent
domestic contracts with each participating government. No changes to international law would be required.