Key Documents

The Library Key Documents archive contains material describing key elements of TCTB’s model and process.

The “Trusted Broker” Model for cooperative remediation facilitated by an NGO is described in TCTB’s first paper which was presented at IAC in Washington, DC, in October 2019.

The Planning Process describing the necessary six Phases of planning leading to remediation in Phase 7 is described in a paper presented at an AIAA space traffic management conference in Austin, Texas, in February, 2020.

The Object Selection Process, reflecting the world-wide scientific consensus that has coalesced around High Mass Debris in High-LEO and the most dangerous objects, was prepared in late 2020.

The Cooperative Principles paper describes the necessary principles of agreement that any cooperative remediation effort would depend upon, written by Chuck Dickey and Valentin Uvarov, and presented at IAC GLEX in St. Petersburg, Russia, in June, 2021.

Cooperative Principles in Full Text in the form of contract clauses are found here, and in the Country Area archive as well.

A paper, video and slide presentation describing alternatives forms of cooperation for remediation, prepared by Valentin Uvarov and Chuck Dickey, entitled “TCTB: A Private-Public Path to Cooperative ADR”, including a paper, a video and slide presentation, was presented to the International Institute of Space Law, in September 2021.

Chuck and Valentin also collaborated on an article in the Russian newspaper, “Expert”, in late 2021, describing TCTB and the need for cooperative remediation, to help educate Russian readers. The article is also available in an English translation. Russian Article Describing TCTB

> English translation

TCTB’s unsolicited Proposal (non-proprietary version) submitted to Russia, China and the U. S. in May, 2019, offering to facilitate cooperative remediation, is contained here. Formal TCTB Contracting Proposal to China, Russia and the U. S. (non-proprietary)